yes hi everyone I know that we are running out of time so here we are to discuss few diagram based questions that we can expect in the examination hall of Em's so going in detail this radiograph gives an idea about pulp stones okay they can ask you the methods how you can manage these five stones okay by using EDTA the regular questions on EDTA the pH of EDTA is 7.3 the percentage of EDTA used that is 17% is works on chelation principle and the bars that are used for the calcified canals are molar bars so these are the they can ask questions related to this so next one this is you can't really appreciate this is a talents cusp so this is a the hint given is it is a vital teeth so these can be very apical semental dysplasia a single wavelength laser that is argon laser which is used to cure the composites see the apical part this structure is called as an apical Delta so this is an endodontic child which includes axis opening biomechanical preparation and operation out of which the most important step in the endodontic triad or in the render on texas biomechanical preparation where we are going to remove the etiology that is bacteria and the most common cause for the failure of the root canal treatment is due to improper operation this is a psychic triad which includes ego and superego this is a periodic triad which includes children dentist and family and the fourth factor that is added to is here that is society the next course is the caries triad which includes these factors and the fourth factor that is added to the caries triad which makes it as carry straight rod is time that is new bond has given the tetrad whereas triad was given by keys this is the epidermal illogical triad make a note known things so they can ask you the treatment plan for this particular case which is already a ames repeat okay so the treatment plan is very simple you need to go with a regular root canal treatment okay followed by you need to go for a periapical surgery which with which you can remove this operated fire I hope these diagrams are already discussed in the group just make a note okay for the forceps this is a right-angled forceps identify this instrument this is called as band which is called in a single teeth anesthesia sta which is a computer controlled device of local anesthesia this is an interosseous local anesthesia okay where you can clearly see that there they kept a hole and they are trying to deposit the local anaesthetic solution in that hole in the R&R bond this is an intra pal pal where wait you need to band the needle and you need to deposit the solution into the palate these are a type of retreatment files regularly you know that the rotary files or regular rotary files and apart from this there is something called a retreatment rotary files so if they have some black states like this these are called as DS here is pro taper rotary files so these are few things that the have given so make a note about the regular speed regular speed of any rotary files will ranges from 200 to 400 rpm where as you can see this statement the recommended speed of the ProTaper Universal ray treatment instruments is 500 to 700 rpm to remove that aperture bare-ass cut a patch and carry the base obturator and 300 is used to remove the tastefulness okay to remove GP you need to use a higher speed so that is the main important thing they can ask you or you can you can learn it so if you want you can read the slide d1 d2 and d3 these are three files that are d series files which are used for the retreatment prototype reference i hope you guys are very good at this please try to focus on four is non-vital teeth 5 is avulsion 6 these with or without loss of crown with the fracture of root 7 displacement of crown without the fracture of crown or root 8 is a displacement of fracture of crown and mass and mind is the fracture involving the deciduous take a known thing regular thing the the diagnosis is a list class 3 because there is a purple exposure trauma leading to discoloration non-vital TL is class for this is a root fracture without the displacement of crown L is classics make a note about WH for classification along with a list classification nowadays they're more focused on EE as well as a lease please try to finish against the fast as possible done for now we'll be coming up with one more video probably we should do best in the aims exam so that's the reason why you are coming with overloaded stuff preferably many diagrams in this one one and off day for you guys all the best have a great day signing off doctor sticker from team MDS


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