yeah hi everyone coming back again with the third video covering many diagram based questions related to ended orders so going in detail I hope you guys are very clear about this palette ah ginger go is most common in the case of your maxillary lateral incisors okay and this is what the parotid ginger you can see the parentage enjoy broach is filled with in a glass and a MOS image okay this is what the power to change Al Groh is and I hope you know the you know that there are two types of radical as this one is basis and second one is true cysts okay so base is this it provides a bail okay it provides is a continuation of the root canal morphology and this is to open into the root canal morphology that's the bay providing it way whereas true cyst is it's nowhere related to the root canal root canal and it is completely lined by epithelium so it is called as no truces so whereas basis it is not completely lined by epithelium because at one point it has connection into the root canal system so that's a basic difference between the bassist and truces these are the two types of radical assist and you can clearly see a gutta-percha is true today is the sinus tract opening this is what the cutter pod seandrade a graph in the sinus tract opening and as as I have I mean like explain you clearly that too bad peridot ginger rules are most commonly on the maxillary lateral incisors and you can see there are three types of peridot ginger grooves that is type 1 and type 2 and type 3 type 1 is a groove is short but not beyond one third of the kernel one third of the root whereas type two is long beyond coronal one third of the root but it it is shallow corresponding to a normal or a simple root canal system whereas type 3 is very long it's beyond the kernel one third of the roof deep and corresponding to a complex root canal system it is a simple root canal system it's a complex root canal system so recently they have asked the question related to type two type of pathogen gel grew in the recent assertion papers of end of so we can we can predator repeat in this session also so please make a note about these types next course is the this is an operation radiograph shockula's you later graph is most commonly used to check the palatal abscess and of course you can clearly see the parallel abscess in relation to the maxillary anterior and if you clearly observe this you can see a parrot or ginger guru here so maxillary parrot collapses are most common the maxillary lateral the reason is because maximum batter is most commonly associated with the palate a ginger go which provides an axis for the organisms to infect it so next course is this is the thermo fill a type of operating system where you have in it alpha phase gutta-percha attached to it these are different types of for operating systems this is karma fill simple field will have apical plug here and this is Jay's quick fill where which is connected to end of mode which is connected to a micro motor like device okay this is DZ 16 where EG means david green 16 means the working tip is 16 millimeters and you have this is DZ 16 clear and this is i mean like you can you can compare the BG 16 to 17 okay so this is two different times okay recently they have asked the ins 2018 they have asked the question related to this bz 16 22 ends they have different then it is with two numbers they're different whereas here it is same both ends are same so by which you can identify and come up with the right answer so these are all our anatomic explorers all these are endodontic experts which helps in identifying the carroll orifices as well as helps in identifying the correct angulation of the canals this is the molar bar where you have a long shank and is used for calcified Karos this is in taxes per used to prepare axis opening this is jet bar which is a side cutting bar okay no end cutting it has a side cutting and it's used to and large orifice once the axis is open this is a trans metal bar which is which is used to break the crown sore which is used to prepare the axis opening through the crown this is end of box where you can keep your files this is bar sterilizer where you can keep the bars incidents and keep it in Auto Club bar sterilizer I hope you are very good at this this is a electronic apex locator this is a great intramural periapical great where you can see the grid blocks on it each side each each each grid block is one millimeter one millimeter in length and one millimeter in breath this is these are endo brushes which are all called as Navi tapes which are used to clean the root canal swallows your root canal systems this is endo back once asked in the aims these are different types of tips that are available in endo back ok master master delivery tape and them macro cannula and the micro cannula which has multiple vents which is a type of irrigation irrigation system this is epic sim I hope we have already discussed about this on the groom so this is something like this is an array this is a moving instrument you can see a lash here this is a moving instrument which you can place into the periapical region through the root canal morphology and you can stab the system where it is going to remove all the periodical system similar see me you can even this this is how you have to place it in the root canal so once you start this is all very epic elation where it can be used to remove the non-responding periapical cysts or periapical lesions I hope you are very good at this this is SAP self existing file today's exam we are given this is indo indo Phoenicia experient of Anisha this is end of motor you'll have a buyer here you'll have a wide extending now there are many coordinate systems available without wire but regularly they will have wire and this almost looks like your micro motor but this is the initial operate rotary instrument which is called as an anthro here you have an opening like similarly like your micro motor you will have an opening you have to attach this to the micro motor so easy way of identifying the anther Geary's it looks like it micro motor with an opening at one side but attached to it not refined whereas your this this is like you don't have an opening end here so that's a way how we can differentiate a hand piece of endo motor with Anthony I hope you know this light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation will form of laser ok these are very fine right very fine and refined so these are silver points which you can appreciate on the radiograph and they can be introduced only up to 25 number preparation and they can be used in the case of tortious and fine canals where the temperature cannot be incident because gutta-percha will get folded if you insert it in the narrow canals and the mode by which the silver consists in layers by passing them two to three times or three to four times over the Bunsen burner flame okay this is a device where you can see the device so this is a pulse oximeter a manually made pulse oximeter and this is a textbook based diagram they can give because aims people they have given already this is a pulse oximeter textbook based picture and I hope you guys this pulse oximeter works on beads laughs this is what the bees life if you want you can go ahead this is what lesser deployed flow meter II which works on the du plus principal means an echo this is the echo and the photo detector helps in detecting the echo this is a textbook based pick off you ever measured applaud flow meter II which is other type of another other non-invasive method of detecting the pulp vitality particularly the blood supply okay this is a file retrieval system we can clearly see this is a massaman kid if it is kid if it is a man sermon instrument which helps in remove the file recently they have given one question on guide okay rider kid guy rockets are used to remove the Post Master man kids all are used to remove the files this is used to remove the post this is one more system which helps in removing the post you can see the post removal inserted and they are removing the post and few few important lines relate base Thomas I hope you know what is this Thomas miss Thomas can be identified by methyl and blue meth elbow is used in many situations where you can identify the cracks also you can identify the extra canals also with the methyl in blue these are different types of miss Thomas already posted on group yesterday and aims people they have already given many questions onto this please please go ahead read about all the high type service Thomas this is meltdowns classification I get an important area when you are talking about the seizure of the canals so there are three types of Melton's categories and the shisha pecans are most common ii mandibular molars make a note about this and make a note about of these three categories which is again a very important topic ok the levels of clinical significance they can ask you all the levels which stands first which stands last which study is more clinically relevant yet they can ask you the ascending order they can ask you the descending order please learn about this this is very important later of preparation you can see a band here right you can see a band you know almost all the things which are used as retro preparation files which are also called as you can see here the word kiss they're called as neck kiss one zero two zero three zero four zero files which are used for a retro clip most favorite question of aims I hope this flap is already done in the previous slide please go ahead is the most commonly used flap that is used in the aesthetic purpose of endodontics apical ramifications and latin ramifications at three millimeters 98% is of apical and nine under the plan telegram applications anymore I hope you are very good at this monoblock monoblock concept the main important aspect is forming a single block single cohesive on in the primary motor block you have only one interface and the examples of hydron MTA bio-data polyethylene v fiber poster and core build-up the second one where you will have two interfaces please learn about the examples which are damn important there is sherry you have three interfaces sorry three interfaces and regularly ask his active GP and ender s are the most commonly asked examples we had today the sharing on a block okay identify this red red color point to the red color point is fenestration which is an isolated one with a marginal bone impact whereas white one he said a sense where there is no marginal bone intact this is the beans modification of determining working length regularly you need to go one millimeter short in the case often a bone resorption you need to go for 1.5 millimeter shot in the case of bone as well as to the resorption you need to go for 2 millimeter short of FX empty ad again a most common last question given by Walt Ron and it's a mixture of mixture of tetracycline isomer which is the doxycycline and citric acid and a detergent okay the detergent that is used here is tweet 88 zero most effectiveness typical is these are different modifications of EDTA so please learn about these modifications already asked question is are separate parts in reply is a combination of EDD A+ urea peroxidase please learn about rest all things just make a note so that in options you can directly go for that EDTA see see is 7th also so I feel like you can easily manage these questions if you have an idea or a command or what is this actually if you can have a one day one time reading I hope you can easily select the options okay this is again a method that helps in determining the extra kennels accurate access opening ultrasonics as I said like method lo sham face test which is used of sodium hypochlorite and other methods of identifying extra canals so just go with the slide just one time new spur this one time reading I feel like you can manage the things off so this is pa pa index periodical index which was given in neat not a names but I want you guys to make a note P and X 1 is a normal periodical structure to be smaller changes 3 is changes in the bone structure with the minimal mineral loss and Forests periodontitis with well-defined radiolucency and 5 is severe periodontitis with elemental in indicating for the expansion of the lesion upon diagram based question you can just have a look over this these are the five scoring's of P I index done for now I'm going to come up with another video study hard all the best guys signing off dr. stay


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