hi everyone this is dr g sayeth team mds conquer so now i'm going to discuss about the peculiar signs which have been exhibited by many diseases i think it's quite important for your exam because many diseases have their own unique or peculiar science which i think you need to know them clearly so i've arranged them in an alphabetical order so we'll discuss one by one so coming to the first one the asbo-hansen sign i think you're quite familiar with this so which states that when there is a bullet and when we apply pressure on that bullet the bullet will spread laterally so it is also called as bullet spread phenomena and this is seen with pemphigus okay so as bei hansen sign also called as bullet spread phenomena so when a pressure is applied on the bullet the bullet will spread laterally okay so this is called as a asbo hanson sign same with pemphigus vulgaris next is the ospit sign so i think even you know this so this is seen with psoriasis so here you can see the scales of the skin so when the successive layers of this scaly skin is being removed then you can find the bleeding points so which is nothing but the auspice sign and this is seen with the patient suffering from skin disease called as a psoriasis okay so when the successive layers of this scaly skin is being removed you can find out the bleeding points there okay so this is the ospit sign next the battle sign very important because in an emergency ward if you find a patient with a head trauma and if you find the ecchymosis in the mastoid area or a bruise in the moisturized area then it is called as a battle sign which is quite important because the patient has to be immediately attended so this occurs after or followed by a head trauma so it is nothing but a chymosis or the bruise which is seen in the mastoid region so that is the battle sign next sign is a bell sign so bell sign or a bell's phenomena so here when a patient is strive or when he attempts to close his eye then there is upward or outward movement of the eye okay so here you can see clearly the patient is having difficulty in closing the eye completely right so that is nothing but the bell sign or the bells phenomena so it is seen with the facial palsy okay and when it tuckers bilaterally you can see with the golden bear syndrome okay it is seen with golden bear syndrome so here it becomes even more prominent when the orbicularis oculi muscle becomes even weak if it becomes more weak then you can this sign will be even more prominent okay so it's also called as bells phenomena so here the patient will have little difficulty or inability to close his eye okay next sign being the black beard or the lincoln sign so here if you see the picture there is complete darkness or the blackness of the beard so this is seen with the paget's disease okay so there is increased uptake of the radionucleotide followed by bone centigraphy so because of that the bread becomes or the look of the mandible looks completely black which is also called as a black beard sign also referred to as a lincoln sign so this is seen with the pages disease because it shows an increased uptake of the radionucleotide followed by a bone centigraphy so this is a black beard or the lincoln sign and there is one more disease where it shows just the lincoln sign which is nothing but the marfan syndrome okay so which is nothing but there is excessive popliteal artery pulsations that can be seen as a consequence of hemodynamic effects because of iot regurgitation that is same with marfan syndrome so blackbeard or lincoln sign also seen with the patriots disease because of the increased uptake of the radionucleotide can also be seen with only the black only the lincoln sign can also be seen with the marfan syndrome because of the excessive popliteal artery pulsations okay as a consequence of the iotic changes which causes ah cause those hemodynamic changes there is excessive popliteal artery pulsations in those patients so that is seen also with the marfan syndrome so lincoln signed both with marfin syndrome and pages disease but blackbeard signed with the paget's disease next bonbon sign so bonbon sign it's nothing but when the patient's protrudes his or her tongue then there will be bulge of the cheek and that is seen with dyskinesia of tongue so when there is dyskinesia of the tongue then when the patient protrudes his tongue there will be bulging of the cheeks that is nothing but the bon bon sign so next is the butterfly sign so here you can see there is a classic shape of a butterfly where the rash spreads over the malar area and also spreads over the bridge of the nose and the nasolabial fold is being spared so this is nothing but the butterfly sign or the butterfly rash which is seen with patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus okay so this is nothing but the butterfly sign next sign is a buttonhole sign so you can see there are some lesions on the skin so when a digital pressure is applied on these lesions they go in and when a pressure is released they immediately pop out okay so when a pressure is applied they move in and when the pressure is released they pop out and this is seen with neuro fibromatosis type one okay so this is seen with patients suffering from neurofibromatosis type one which is nothing but the buttonhole sign next swatch its sign so here you can see it's pretty clear there is contraction of the facial muscles when the facial nerve is being tapped just anterior to the ear okay so this is seen with hypocalcemia als or the tetany okay so but it is not like a pathognomic for tetany it can also be seen with in 10 to 25 percent of the normal individuals as well but yes it is a sign for the hypocalcium hypoparathyroidism or tetany so it's nothing but the swatch gets sign when ah facial nerve is being tapped anterior to the ear then there will be contraction of the facial muscles okay next sign is a cluster of jewel signs so you can see there is a cluster of the bullet so this is seen with linear iga disease so which is the auto immune disease where the bullet or the vesicles are arranged in a herpetid form fashion okay so this is seen in autoimmune disease called as a linear iga dermatosis or the linear iga disease okay so cluster of dual signs seen with the linear ig disease where the boule are arranged in a fashion of a herpetic form manner okay they are arranged in a herpetic form fashion next is a coleman sign so here it is a sublingual hematoma which is seen followed by a mandibular fracture very important sign which is commonly observed by the oral maxillofacial surgeons so there is a sublingual hematoma which is being followed by a mandibular fracture which is a coleman sign next sign is a cracker sign so here you can see the patient will not be able to chew the crackers properly so this is seen with the patient suffering from dry mouth or xerostomia okay so it is one of the tests that is being done for xerostomia which is nothing but the cracker sign next is a kraus sign so which clearly shows there is axial freckling okay so there is axillary freckling which is nothing but the kraus sign even this is seen with neuro fibromatosis okay even this is seen with neurofibromatosis very important sign as for the viva point of view also it's quite important and even for your exam it's quite important so what is kraus sign so axillary freckling which is seen with the neurofibromatosis next sign is a flag sign so there is a discoloration in the hair as you can see in this baby so this complete discoloration of the hair and the discoloration is in the form of a band perpendicular to the long axis so that discoloration is seen with severe malnutrition kits which like example is squashy occur okay severe malnourished child it is seen so there is complete discoloration of the hair which is formed in the form of a band which is called as a flag sign which is seen with patients or kids with severe malnutrition like kwashiorkor okay so this is nothing but the flag sign next sign is a fosheimer sign where you can see small red spots the junction of the hard and soft palate and this is seen with the german measles okay so it is seen with the german measles where you can see small red spots in the junction of the hard and soft palate this is nothing but the foss kindness sign next is a guaranteed sign so it's com it's also quite important so where you can see symmetrical widening of the pdl space so symmetrical widening of pdl okay so that is seen with osteosarcoma symmetrical winding of the pdl space which is called as a guaranteed sign and it is seen with patients suffering from osteosarcoma okay so this is nothing but the guaranteed sign next sign is a garland sign so it's pretty clear the garland sign is nothing but the ability of the patient to touch the tip of the nose with the top tip with his tip of the tongue so patient can touch strip of the nose with the tip of the tongue so that it's so flexible so that is seen with a hairless dandruff syndrome airless dan loss right okay so this is nothing but the garland sign very important sign okay seen with airless danlos syndrome next gatron sign so gatron sign if you see the picture there are some red rashes erythematous rashes quite scaly sometimes okay which are seen over the joints on the fingers okay so this is seen with dermatomyositis okay so this is seen with patients suffering from dermatomyositis okay next is a gratitude sign so here it is seen with psoriasis again so besides the ospit sign the greatest sign is also quite important for psoriasis so here the scales when they are tried to like grate with a glass slide they get attenuated okay the scales on the skin get assimilated on grating with a glass side glass light which is nothing but the grittate sign and this is seen with psoriasis okay coming to the next sign next sign is a buren sign so urine sign is nothing but achimosis which is seen at the greater palatine vessels area okay that is seen followed by the leaf one fracture okay very important leaf fort one fracture where you can see achymosis in the palette at the greater palatine vessel area okay so that is nothing but the urine sign next sign hanging drop sign so when you see this picture there is a polypoid soft tissue that is hanging down from the orbital flow so this is nothing but the hanging drop sign which is seen with the blow out fractures okay so hanging drop sign which is seen with the blood fractures where a polyploid soft tissue is seen as a radio opacity hanging down from the orbital flow seen with the blow out fractures coming to the next sign which is called as a heliotrope sign okay so heliotrope sign as you can see in the picture there is a violacious or a dusky arithmatic skin eruptions which are seen in the periorbital region which may or may not be associated with edema and even this is seen with dermatomyositis so there is a violacious or dusky skin eruptions without with with or without edema involving the periorbital area symmetrically in patients suffering from dermatomyositis which is called as the heliotrope sign okay coming to the next sign hego minakis sign where there is irregular thickening of the clavicle so irregular thickening of the clavicle you can see so that is seen with congenital syphilis okay so it is nothing but the higominakis sign next whole glance sign very important again so here you can see early and transient edema of upper eyelid okay so you can see in the picture there's edema of the upper eyelid and this is seen with infectious mononucleosis this is seen with patients suffering from infectious mononucleosis so this is nothing but the whole gland sign where there is transient edema of the upper eyelid patients suffering from infectious mononucleosis next hurting sun sign which is different from the hutchinson's teeth or hashing triad okay which is hashington sign okay where there is vesicles you can see at the tip of the nose and also over the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve which is preceded by the herpes joster infection okay so here also the patient will be unresponsive pupil patient will have an unresponsive pupil besides that there will be vesicles at the nose as well as the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve so this is the hutchinson sign which is different from the hutchinson's triad which is seen with the congenital syphilis so do note this down next sign is a jelly jelly neck sign you can see wherein you can see hyper pigmented periorbital area so the periorbital area is completely hyperpigmented and this is seen with graves disease okay so entire hyperpigmented periorbital region seen in both the eyes and that is seen with the graves disease next sign is a lesser prelat sign here you can see sudden or abrupt appearance of ceburoic eruptions seen over the skin and that increase in number and this is seen associated with malignant acanthosis nigricans okay it is seen with malignant acanthosis nigricans which is called as a lesser trailer sign and where you can see abrupt saberoic eruptions on the skin which increase in number and that is seen with malignant acanthosis nigricans next sign being the hermitage sign so wherein you can see the patient will have electric shock like sensation on the flexion of the neck okay and this is seen with patients suffering from multiple sclerosis okay so electric shock like sensation will be there in those patients because of the flexion of the neck which is called as a hermitage sign the l is silent so this is seen with patients suffering from multiple sclerosis next sign is a lipstick sign you are well aware of it it is same with patients suffering from xerostomia and all conditions which have zero stoma like jogren's syndrome so wherein the lipstick which is applied on the lips tend to touch or tend to be appeared on the upper incisors okay so it's nothing but the lipstick sign next sign is a mobius sign where the patients will have the inability to maintain the convergence of the eye so there is inability to maintain the convergence of the eye so even this is seen with patients suffering from the graves disease okay so the mobius sign inability to maintain the convergence of the eye seen with the graves disease next metineer sign so here you can see there is increased facility of the patient to ever the upper eyelid so the patient can easily avoid the upper eyelid so that is again seen with high flexible disease or syndrome which is nothing but the airless stand loss syndrome okay so here the patients can easily or there is increased facility to ever the upper eyelid so it is nothing but the metinius sign next sign the nickel key sign so wherein we apply pressure or wherein we touch a area where there is no lesion you can see a new lesion that is developed there because the superficial layers will tend to separate from the deeper layers so new lesion appears there which is nothing but the nickel sign seen again with the pem figures valeris right so this superficial is separate from the deeper layers so you can see a new lesion there next sign is a allendorf sign also called as a pushkeys allendrop sign and this is seen with patients suffering from secondary syphilis and and cutaneous vasculitis okay and cutaneous vasculitis quite important the whiskey's allendrop sign so wherein there will be deep dermal tenderness on applying pressure with a pinhead okay so deep dermal tenderness will be there in patience with second is a place of cutaneous vasculitis which is nothing but the all end of sign next sign is a pastel sign where you can see red streaks over the skin fold area and that is seen with scarlet fever pastel lines or pasteurized sign seen with scarlet fever the reddish streaks or reddish lines or rash over the skin folds okay so this is seen with the scarlet fever next patrick yesorian sign so where you can see melanotic macules okay and this is same with neurofibromatosis type one melanotic macules are seen on the skin over the fingers and this is same with neurofibromatosis type one and it is called as a paternity esodian sign coming to the next sign it is pemberton sign okay so here it is seen with patients having goiter so to evaluate the venous obstruction so how the sign is being performed or what the patient has to be asked to do for is the patient is asked to bilaterally elevate his or her arms followed by which you can observe a facial plethora okay so this is seen with goiter where the thyroid will enlarge thyroid will cause an obstruction over the thoracic inlet that causes the increased venous pressure so which results in this particular sign that is a pemberton sign which is done to evaluate the venous obstruction in the goiter patients okay in a patient's having goiter so pemberton sign quite important for you next sign raccoon sign where you can see periorbital achimosis even this is seen followed by a head trauma next sign reverse namaskar sign as you can see the lady she's so flexible her joints are so flexible she can do a reverse namaskar and even that is seen in patients suffering from a high flexible uh where the joints are highly flexible which is nothing but the airless dandloss syndrome okay so the gorlinson the gorland sign the reverse namaskar sign the matineous sign all these signs are seen with the airless dandas syndrome next the rinse kind so rinse sign where you can see a thick sclerotic band and commonly it is seen in the proximal femur and this is seen with fibrous dysplasia okay very important sign exhibited by the patients having fibrous displeasing the common site is a proximal femur where you can see a thick sclerotic band surrounding a radiolucent lesion and that is nothing but a rinse sign seen with fibrous dysplasia next a romberg sign so here it is actually to evaluate ataxia which is sensory in nature okay so here when a patient tries to put his feet together and when he tries to open his eyes he falls down with eyes closed okay so that is nothing but the romberg sign okay next sign is a rubber jersey sign so wherein you can see the prominent end plates that gives an alternate clerotic and the lucent bands right and this is seen with hyper parathyroidism so it is seen in patients with hyperparathyroidism very important other jersey sign wherein you can see alternate sclerotic and the loose lucent bands next sign is a slap cheek sign wherein you can see with patients or kids suffering from erythema infectioism or also called as fifth disease okay fifth disease or erythema infectioism okay so which is being infected by human parvo virus okay so you can see the kid having a slap cheek appearance so this is seen with human parvo virus also called as fifth disease are erythema infectioism next slip sign quite aware of it so it is seen with lipoma so where the lipoma tends to slip on applying pressure so that's nothing but the slip sign next sign is a steinberg or the thumb sign so wherein when the patient clasps his thumb and clenches his hand then the thumb is clearly visible or it's clearly appreciated medially to the little finger so this is nothing but the thumb sign of the steenberg sign seen with marfan's syndrome okay seen with the marfan syndrome okay next samith sign where you can see raggy scales or raggy cuticles and that is again seen with dermatomyositis okay that is nothing but the summit sign where you can see raggy cuticles next the shawl sign wherein you can see an erythematous rash over the skin about the neck or over the chest and also over the above the shoulders like a shawl which is again seen with dermatomyositis okay next is a stelvac sign so wherein the patient will have little difficulty in blinking the eye because of the exact thalmosis and this is seen with graves orbitopathy or ophthalmopathy okay so it's seen with the orbitopathy or the graves disease so wherein because of the exact hormones the patient will have difficulty in blinking the eyes so which is called as a stellback sign so yes this is a straw sign so next is a straw sign so as you can see here when a patient is having facial palsy injection of the pillow carbon is done in order to observe sweating on the affected side okay so first the sweating occurs on the affected side later it can occur on the other side so this is to test the facial palsy so it's nothing but the stress sign so injection of the pilocarpine is done in order to observe the sweating on the affected side of the facial palsy okay next signs that tin tac sign which is seen with dla that is discarded lupus ether mitosis also seen with seborrheic dermatitis so here when the adherent scales are removed then the underlying surface shows horny eruptions which is called as a tin tac sign also called as a carpet track sign okay also called as carpet track sign okay so this is seen in patients with dla okay so when the adherence scales are removed the underlying surface shows horny eruptions okay so this is nothing but the tin tac sign or the carpet track sign very very important next tongue blade signs when the tongue blade is adhered or when it's applied or when it's pressed over the buckle buckle mucosa in a patient suffering from a zero stoma then it adheres to the buccal mucosa okay so that is nothing but the tongue blade sign next the trap door sign again it is nothing but seen in the blowout fracture so wherein you can see a polypoid soft tissue which is falling or when it is uh it is seen to be dropping down from the orbital flow okay so that is nothing but the trap door also called as a hanging drop sign which is seen with the blowout fractures next sign is a process sign wherein you can see a palpable left supraclavicular node which is called as a workhor node okay seen with gastrointestinal cancers or malignancies okay it is seen with gastrointestinal cancers or malignancies so it is palpable left supraclavicular node also called as a workhor node wherein you can see this rauser sign which is seen with the gastrointestinal tract malignancies okay this is nothing but the trashious sign next is it process sign so difference you can see this is just a second so here it is straw sear sign this is torsious sign okay spelling difference is also there so this is nothing but carbo pedal spasm which occurs because of inflating the blood pressure cuff above the systolic pressure for three minutes and uh for more than three minutes and this is seen again with hyperparathyroidism or tetany okay so this is carpool spasm okay seen when tetany okay so this is nothing but atrocious sign note the difference between procedure sign and process sign okay next ugly duckling sign very irregular melanotic mole will be there okay hyperpigmented irregular mole so which is looks very ugly and this is seen with malignant melanoma okay seen with malignant melanoma so yes the next sign is a good chop sign where there will be worsening of the neurological symptoms in multiple sclerosis or any demyelinating diseases so there is worsening of the neurological symptoms on exposure to hot weather or having a very hot bath okay so that is nothing but the utop sign wherein you can see worsening of the neurological symptoms in patients with multiple sclerosis or demyelinating diseases next we sign you can see the rash arithmatus rash about the chest okay so that's again seen with the dermatomyositis shawl sign and the v sign which is seen with the dermatomyositis okay next is a walter murdoch or the wrist sign so when the wrist of the opposite hand is held to the one hand then the thumb and the fingers will overlap each other which is said to be positive and this is seen again with the marfan's syndrome okay so this is nothing but the rest sign or the val term or rock modoc sign okay so yes we are done with almost all the important signs so what i exactly want to suggest is so note the signs as per the diseases as well so for example what all are the signs present in dermatomyositis what are the signs in graves disease what are the signs with marfan syndrome what are the signs with ls dandruff syndrome that will be easy for you during your uh revision okay so you can just like divide like that and even you can try to remember like that so all the important signs have been covered i would like to give you few questions or few signs and you have to answer them you can answer in the comment section or you can answer in the group so three signs i want from you one is what is fountain sign and where do you see next what is primalatta sign and where do you see and third what is hanging curtain sign and where do you see okay so these are the three more signs i would like you to answer so number one fountain sign number two premalata sign number three hanging curtain sign okay so i would like to get the answers from you as well okay thank you


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