[Music] what makes a person charming is it the way they talk the way they walk their wits and talents it could actually be all of these being the rarest in the population there's no doubt how infj types have qualities and traits to die for their mix and match of quirky and adorable make them stand out from the rest it's no wonder how infj men become instant chick magnets with their undeniable charisma but what really makes these infj men special i'm going to show you the 10 reasons infj men have irresistible charm number 10 their gentle gaze infj types don't have the prettiest faces of all the personality types but they have the most beautiful eyes there's something about how infj types draw their attention to something they seem to wander far away with their eyes it's as if they use their eyes to see through your soul knowing that infj types seek intimate soul connections rather than surface level conversations but even if their eyes are not locked on you and even if they're not within your reach but in your sight you still want to lay your eyes on them viewing them from afar observing how they connect with themselves and get drenched in their thoughts an infj may stare at you for hours but they don't give off that creepy vibe that puts you away instead an infj's gaze is gentle not intimidating but mysterious it's unexplainable how their eyes through their gaze speak so much language guess this is one of the many ways they're truly irresistible the eyes spark the charm number nine they're comforting silence being introverts in nature who are private and reserved people infj types embrace silence as their element for an infj silence is power in a lot of things that matter to them infj types are known to be listeners not talkers so if you don't start a conversation with an infj chances are you would be sitting there with them in deafening silence but that's not exactly the case every time the silence you share with an infj is not awkward well not for the first few minutes but it's comforting they use silence as their power to influence you to also get in touch with the things surrounding you it's as if silence is their tool to draw your attention to you and your world and in a situation like this you can't just resist sitting under a sky full of stars appreciating nature in your own quiet ways in the comforting silence with an infj whose charm continues to draw you in a picture-perfect moment you truly not miss number eight their speaking voice infj types as typical introverts don't speak much but when they do their voice resonates across borders infj types are not fans of small talk so they seldom use their voice in simple conversations on a daily basis however they make use of their voice in greater causes hence infj types are labeled as advocates who use their voice to make an impact in narrow and wider angles of things they don't speak much but they speak of substance when they speak you just can't help but keep your mouth shut and get lost in their thoughts you appreciate their voice all the more the words that come out with it you couldn't get enough of how their voice also speaks so much volume of charm what do you think about a man who can sound very gentle but it's actually very tough number seven the remarkable first impressions looking at their physical appearance infj types blend in with other personality types they don't display a bold statement in their looks but they make first impressions last other personality types view infj types as knobs cold-hearted because of the way they stare and the fact that they don't initiate conversations but once you get to know ifj types they prove you wrong there's just something about them being enveloped in some kind of mystery a peculiar kind of charm that tries to pull you in the way they last an impression with the way they looked and act is not strong but remarkable enough for you to remember them a tiny detail about the first time you encounter an infj makes you curious to get to know them more and that's an unexplainable charm over there number six their listening ears it has always been a great advantage for a man to be a great listener girls would fall for that any time who wouldn't be but in this generation these types of men are present but hard to be found especially infj men of all the personality types infj types are the best listeners you can spend hours talking to these people they wouldn't mind at all they're empathic and they want to make sure that your vulnerabilities are sealed safely with them with eyes that see without judgment and ears ready to listen how much more if their hearts come in the picture this just testifies how infj types are the perfect recipes to irresistible charm number five their non-negotiable conviction and principles nothing is more irresistible than a person who is grounded with principles and thus his action with conviction this makes an infj oozing with charm having principles is like having a road map to your future you always have a guide in anything you do keeping you morally upright and stable also a person who means what he says and says what he means a person with conviction is worth the keeps with infj men having this it's no doubt how people find them so alluring this just adds so many points to the charm meter of an infj number four their unexplainable depth for someone who thinks a lot or someone who spends most of his time overthinking or wondering what's going to happen depth could actually grow they try to be careful with their words actions and responses towards others infj types don't just swim and float they dive they don't just settle with shallow things over the surface but they go beyond that their introverted intuition allows them to magnify matters to reach the soul conversations with infj types are deep and meaningful that you wouldn't want to end the more you exchange thoughts the more your soul connects and the more you dive with an infj the more you can't resist their charm number three if they have common interests while others prefer how opposites attract infj types believe that common interests are more interesting common interests are not just plainly common but they are the starting blocks to creating more connections these make them more engaged and drawn into getting to know you more you may be thinking what if there's nothing common to both of you anymore infj types have more questions before you run out of common interests and as for you you're given another reason to appreciate an infj even more number two their sensitivity it's quite known to others that the infj is actually quite a sensitive person despite how they appear to be another dominant characteristic of an infj is its sensitivity to his own and to others they don't want anyone to get hurt so they are extra cautious in taking care of their own and others emotions the infj would always put others first before them and might appear selfless to some they think of anything in multiple lenses to avoid making regrets if this is how an infj treats you who would want to resist this right number one they're being genuine infj types are the most genuine among the personality types they're not afraid to show who they truly are they're blunt on first dates in the most transparent or indirect way they may not speak much but they speak with sense which may or may not hurt you this genuinity among infj types makes them a special kind of quirky that you would want to cherish infj types don't have the perfect looks that match your standards but they have hearts that are authentic and generous if this isn't irresistible enough for you i don't know what else will all in all infj men are charming in different angles and views they have their own kind of special written all over their dictionary there could be different kinds of charms from different kinds of people what could also be charming for one might not be charming for the other it's again all a matter of choice what are the things that you find charming in infj men do you find these reasons charming and irresistible too let us know in the comments section below do you have topics in mind we will be glad to make them for you don't forget to like share this content with your friends and family and subscribe to our channel thanks for watching


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