

yes hi everyone I know that we are running out of time so here we are to discuss few diagram based questions that we can expect in the examination hall of Em's so going in detail this radiograph gives an idea about pulp stones okay they can ask you the methods how you can manage these five stones okay by using EDTA the regular questions on EDTA the pH of EDTA is 7.3 the percentage of EDTA used that is 17% is works on chelation principle and the bars that are used for the calcified canals are molar bars so these are the they can ask questions related to this so next one this is you can't really appreciate this is a talents cusp so this is a the hint given is it is a vital teeth so these can be very apical semental dysplasia a single wavelength laser that is argon laser which is used to cure the composites see the apical part this structure is called as an apical Delta so this is an endodontic child which includes axis opening biomechanical preparation and operation


yeah hi everyone coming back again with the third video covering many diagram based questions related to ended orders so going in detail I hope you guys are very clear about this palette ah ginger go is most common in the case of your maxillary lateral incisors okay and this is what the parotid ginger you can see the parentage enjoy broach is filled with in a glass and a MOS image okay this is what the power to change Al Groh is and I hope you know the you know that there are two types of radical as this one is basis and second one is true cysts okay so base is this it provides a bail okay it provides is a continuation of the root canal morphology and this is to open into the root canal morphology that's the bay providing it way whereas true cyst is it's nowhere related to the root canal root canal and it is completely lined by epithelium so it is called as no truces so whereas basis it is not completely lined by epithelium because at one point it has connection i


[Music] hi everyone this is dr. Srikant from Team MDS conquer now I'm going to explain a short topic that is called as emergency trach modules and we know that there is emergency trach kit that is available in every department in the dentistry and this drug kit is divided into four modules that is module 1 which includes the basic emergency kit that includes the critical drugs as well as the equipment that are necessary module 2 indicates the non-critical drugs and equipment whereas the module 3 indicates the advanced cardiac life support and the module 4 does the last one which includes the anti dental drugs okay this is an important area where I have seen multiple questions nowadays in various entrance examinations please make a note of this thank you all we'll be coming with one more short video subscribe button I'm Chris Bell icon to get notifications


[Music] [Music] [Music] this presentation is about Elias and David's classification of tooth structure which is an important topic in the examination point of view so in this and Davis classification is divided into nine classes from one to nine so having two class one any structure it is fracture of only enamel without involving the engine and pulp press clash - there is involvement of both and I mean an engine without involvement of so in both these classes we have to do the composite restoration whereas in class three there is a fracture involving all the three that is a mammal dental and Punk where you have to go with different right will help therapies according to the time so if it is only a just 0.5 exposure or MMX but you have to go with that capping or else if you have a exposure larger than 1mm you have to go with pulpotomy well see if the patient comes after a long time to the clinic you have to go with the root canal treatment so class for it is a non wait


hello everyone this is dr. Marjorie from Team MBS conquer I'm going to discuss about the edema in this video so this edema means the abnormal and excessive accumulation of free fluid in the interstitial tissue even in the spaces and serous cavities is called as a edema and in the Greek terminology the edema means the swelling there are two things here that is free fluid in the body cavities and free fluid in the industrial space okay free fluid in the body cavities is commonly called as an effusion whereas free fluid in the interstitial space is termed as a edema then coming to the classification it is of two types localized Eddy minor and generalized edema and then generalized edema is also called as a Ana Sarkoja dropsy and depending upon the fluid composition the edema may be of a transudate and the exudate now we will see the differences between the transudate and the exudate and here the translate means the filtrate of the blood plasma without any changes in the

Dr. Chandana PERIO GDC

now I will get it on distinguish when you get to college first off I have to tell about sickle cell it's not really my type if we inspired me and motivated me a lot I can speak a lot to defeat you because I have so little financial profits you know father was like you have to do pt when I was like if I do not get ill Jane you see what is the situation you have solve the financial problem let's forget you rabbit I have to quit it may be that I am but I have no chance to duel PG private I have to get paging CDC seriously I have to get this is that ninety percent because of defensive motivation and my parents suffered and bypass please and the suggestion is not to study how many textbooks are only paper start with totally difference on radiation and shige's is motivation thank you will be priest please talk to stickers the best


the little knowledge i need you are well aware of the structure of the nephron so i'll just give you a brief idea of the structure of the nephron so the nephron has a proximal con bowman's capsule this is a proximal convoluted tubule and a descending and ascending loop of the loop of henle and a distal convolated tubule and a collecting duct okay so this is a simple or basic structure of the nephron i think you're very well aware of it so these group of drugs that is a carbonic anhydrase inhibitors act at the level of the proximal convolated tubule okay so they act at the level of pct of the nephron now let's consider the lumen of the urine okay so the lumen and this is a cell or the cytoplasm of the pct okay so now we are discussing the carbonic anhydrase inhibitors which act at the pct so what exactly happens in the proximal cannulated tubule so the sodium and